The future holds countless possibilities
未 来 有 多 少 种 可 能
Human beings have many desires
人 类 就 有 多 少 欲 望
Greed causes us to get lost in ourselves
贪 婪 让 我 们 迷 失 自 我
Simplify, Eliminate the unnecessary details
化 繁 为 简 减 去 不 必 要 的 琐 碎
and return to the pure and simple
回 归 最 纯 粹 的 简 单
Explore life’s vibrant beauty
探 寻 生 命 之 静 美
Break the rules, Find the future
打 破 既 定 规 则
Find X, Find more
探 寻 未 来

In my articulation of the connection between reality and abstract graphics, I’ve attempted to reduce complexity to its essence. I’ve long thought that a futuristic world wouldn’t evoke adjectives like “dark” or “ominous”, but possibly “light” and “pure”, which describes an organic integration of extreme technological force and natural humanity.

The subject of this chapter is “Find”. I’ve tried to allow the figure to perform more instead of using it as a mere compositional element, in the hope that it would make the whole film feel closer to the audience and elevate its theme.

The removal of the black stripe broadens the view, just as OPPO’s removal of the phone bezel.

B e h i n d t h e S c e n e

This is a unused trailer I have created before the project. It’s a prototype to show the client the new style and also a test for myself to see if I can do this sort of style.
Model from 6088AD by corneliusdammrich
Mood — Animatic — A-Copy — Final


Making Of will COMING SOON!